Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wall Street crisis: Poor to bail out the rich and Where did the money go?

"Rich people got it good in this country", said African-American comedian Wanda Skykes. "We refuse to let them not be rich. Think about it. Broke people are about to bailout rich people. This is what is going on.

"And they want no oversight. US$700 billion and no oversight! No oversight?! Why should we ?!! I want receipts dammit! What do you mean no oversight? Because, oh, you're so good with the other money??"

"This is the biggest piece of garbage ever. You know what? It's welfare for the rich!"

"It's going to cost every taxpayer US$7000. You got the guy there busting his gut working two jobs and barely making US$12,000 a year, and he's got to cough up something so some Wall Street guy can keep his swimming pool??! Man, that's is garbage!"

Bush address to the nation that he demanded that Congress pass the US%700 Billion bailout or else face "a long and painful recession". So they are officially using the tax payer money to bailout those riches who screwed up in this meltdown? They deserved to be screw, since they are so stupid enough to easily give out bad loans to those who are not qualified enough to get a loan.

And why do I said that the taxpayer consist of most poor than the rich? According to the July 23rd Wall Street Journal, the richest 1% of the US population received their highest hare of the nation's income in at least 2 decades while their average tax rate fell to the lowest level in 18 years or MORE.

Isn't this fucking ridiculous?

Actually, it's more than twice of a US$700 billion bailout. Wall Street has already received some US$900 billion worth of bailouts. So what we are looking at is more than US$1.5 billion of corporate bailouts!!

So where did all these money went?! I once saw a comic of Bush throwing big sacks of money into the sea. Is that so? It is impossible! If you pay so much, someone is receiving. The nature of the economy must be balanced!

So it dated back to 2004, that is about 3 years before the crisis happened, surprisingly an announcement came from London that Rothschilds is quitting gold market and London Fix.

According to the book "Currency War", the Rothschild family had foreseen the crisis that will burst in the US market. So they silently withdraw from the market, put a clear line on the gold prices between their family, as they knew the world currency reserves will face a new settlement among countries, and gold reserve in Asian(which been accumulated for quite some time) will be "redistributed" to the winners in the crisis!

So what we see now? the gold price skyrocketed and I believed the big bankers such as Rothschild benefited a lump sum from this crisis! (There are still, a few big bankers out there who manipulated the economy and benefited from the crisis)

This is what we called capitalism.

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