Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Five Taoist Principles of Face Reading


Harmony, Entirety, Qi, Yin and Yang, And the Five Elements. All these five principles comprise the study and interpretation of face reading. The principles of Yin and Yang and of the five elements are the core of Taoism.

The Principle of Harmony

The Taoist Principle of Harmony applies to face reading in that the more balanced the facial features, and the more complementary and integral each feature is to the other, the more favorable the potential for good health, good luck, and prosperity.

The Principle of Entirety

Although it is called "face reading technique", but the full analysis requires attention to the entire presentation of the person. Just as doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western allopathic medicine who use face reading as a diagnostic tool are not going to ignore the rest of the person! One's body size and shape, feel, posture, movement, as well as the sounds of one's voice, one's laughter and cry, even one's expressions, contribute to the final assessment of each person.

The Principle of QI

Qi(气) is the life force, or spiritual energy, that is present in everything in the universe, including every living being. There is one good-old saying from the Chinese called "和气生财" which means if Harmony and Qi are combined, it will be able to bring prosperity and wealth!

When practicing face reading, we assess the state of Qi in a person's body and face. That might sound a bit weird or perhaps impossible to do, but with a little practice and attention, it's actually quite simple. Just a couple of examples to clear things up, do you remember seeing someone who walk pass by with extremely confident facial expression, walk with chest up, back straight ? And when they walk pass you, you might feel a small gust of wind blow your heart off (走路都有风) ? This is what we called a strong energy flow that the person has inside his body.

The Principle of Yin And Yang

The principle of Yin and Yang is the root of Taoism. It is the belief that everything within the universe is one of two opposites, and that each opposite produces the other. For examples, light as Yang, and darkness as Yin, males as Yang and females as Yin.

The Principle of the Five Elements (五形:金,木,水,火,土)

The early Taoist philosophers used Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood to explain the relationship, interaction, and ongoing changes of everything in the universe. Each of the Five elements affects the others in either a positive or negative way. (相生相克)

Fire generates Earth (火生土)
Earth generates Metal (土生金)
Metal generates Water (金生水)
Water generates Wood (水生木)
Wood generates Fire (木生火)

Fire controlled by Water (水克火)
Earth is controlled by Wood (木克土)
Metal is controlled by Fire (火克金)
Water is controlled by Earth (土克水)
Wood is controlled by Metal (金克木)

This continuous cycle of mutual generation & control sustains & balances the Universe.

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