Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Five Taoist Principles of Face Reading


Harmony, Entirety, Qi, Yin and Yang, And the Five Elements. All these five principles comprise the study and interpretation of face reading. The principles of Yin and Yang and of the five elements are the core of Taoism.

The Principle of Harmony

The Taoist Principle of Harmony applies to face reading in that the more balanced the facial features, and the more complementary and integral each feature is to the other, the more favorable the potential for good health, good luck, and prosperity.

The Principle of Entirety

Although it is called "face reading technique", but the full analysis requires attention to the entire presentation of the person. Just as doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western allopathic medicine who use face reading as a diagnostic tool are not going to ignore the rest of the person! One's body size and shape, feel, posture, movement, as well as the sounds of one's voice, one's laughter and cry, even one's expressions, contribute to the final assessment of each person.

The Principle of QI

Qi(气) is the life force, or spiritual energy, that is present in everything in the universe, including every living being. There is one good-old saying from the Chinese called "和气生财" which means if Harmony and Qi are combined, it will be able to bring prosperity and wealth!

When practicing face reading, we assess the state of Qi in a person's body and face. That might sound a bit weird or perhaps impossible to do, but with a little practice and attention, it's actually quite simple. Just a couple of examples to clear things up, do you remember seeing someone who walk pass by with extremely confident facial expression, walk with chest up, back straight ? And when they walk pass you, you might feel a small gust of wind blow your heart off (走路都有风) ? This is what we called a strong energy flow that the person has inside his body.

The Principle of Yin And Yang

The principle of Yin and Yang is the root of Taoism. It is the belief that everything within the universe is one of two opposites, and that each opposite produces the other. For examples, light as Yang, and darkness as Yin, males as Yang and females as Yin.

The Principle of the Five Elements (五形:金,木,水,火,土)

The early Taoist philosophers used Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood to explain the relationship, interaction, and ongoing changes of everything in the universe. Each of the Five elements affects the others in either a positive or negative way. (相生相克)

Fire generates Earth (火生土)
Earth generates Metal (土生金)
Metal generates Water (金生水)
Water generates Wood (水生木)
Wood generates Fire (木生火)

Fire controlled by Water (水克火)
Earth is controlled by Wood (木克土)
Metal is controlled by Fire (火克金)
Water is controlled by Earth (土克水)
Wood is controlled by Metal (金克木)

This continuous cycle of mutual generation & control sustains & balances the Universe.

Face Reading Technique (面相)

Have you ever remember yourself looking into the mirror and asked "Omg?! I looked so old in just one week!" and as a matter of facts, you have been through a hell lot during that week. It may be a break up which caused you a big emotional disaster, stress from piles of unfinished works and many more.

Just by reading the face, you will get the answer right away, that is why Face Reading is so powerful.

As you learn to read your face, you will see that the art and science of face reading is a holistic study and analysis.

Since face reading technique was 1st used as a diagnostic tool of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and since TCM is derived from the Taoist philosophy that claims no separation of mind, body, and spirit, it is impossible to separate those 3 integral aspects of yourself when you read your own or someone's face.

In other words, you will not study your facial features and markings to determine only your personality traits, or only your emotional and spiritual well-being, or only your physical health. There is no separation. If you are in an emotional crisis, it will most likely show on your face.

I remembered when one of my friend lost his parent in an accident, he looked so pale and sick when he return back to school. He lost his old-days energy, walk like a living corpse, and seldom speaks at all. It must be a big blow for him.

Where and how those signs appear on your face will also alert you to specific corresponding physical and spiritual conditions that can become vulnerable as a result of that emotional imbalance. When one aspect of your being is out of balance, all will be imbalanced.

The Face reading technique is an ancient Taoist art and science based on Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wall Street crisis: Poor to bail out the rich and Where did the money go?

"Rich people got it good in this country", said African-American comedian Wanda Skykes. "We refuse to let them not be rich. Think about it. Broke people are about to bailout rich people. This is what is going on.

"And they want no oversight. US$700 billion and no oversight! No oversight?! Why should we ?!! I want receipts dammit! What do you mean no oversight? Because, oh, you're so good with the other money??"

"This is the biggest piece of garbage ever. You know what? It's welfare for the rich!"

"It's going to cost every taxpayer US$7000. You got the guy there busting his gut working two jobs and barely making US$12,000 a year, and he's got to cough up something so some Wall Street guy can keep his swimming pool??! Man, that's is garbage!"

Bush address to the nation that he demanded that Congress pass the US%700 Billion bailout or else face "a long and painful recession". So they are officially using the tax payer money to bailout those riches who screwed up in this meltdown? They deserved to be screw, since they are so stupid enough to easily give out bad loans to those who are not qualified enough to get a loan.

And why do I said that the taxpayer consist of most poor than the rich? According to the July 23rd Wall Street Journal, the richest 1% of the US population received their highest hare of the nation's income in at least 2 decades while their average tax rate fell to the lowest level in 18 years or MORE.

Isn't this fucking ridiculous?

Actually, it's more than twice of a US$700 billion bailout. Wall Street has already received some US$900 billion worth of bailouts. So what we are looking at is more than US$1.5 billion of corporate bailouts!!

So where did all these money went?! I once saw a comic of Bush throwing big sacks of money into the sea. Is that so? It is impossible! If you pay so much, someone is receiving. The nature of the economy must be balanced!

So it dated back to 2004, that is about 3 years before the crisis happened, surprisingly an announcement came from London that Rothschilds is quitting gold market and London Fix.

According to the book "Currency War", the Rothschild family had foreseen the crisis that will burst in the US market. So they silently withdraw from the market, put a clear line on the gold prices between their family, as they knew the world currency reserves will face a new settlement among countries, and gold reserve in Asian(which been accumulated for quite some time) will be "redistributed" to the winners in the crisis!

So what we see now? the gold price skyrocketed and I believed the big bankers such as Rothschild benefited a lump sum from this crisis! (There are still, a few big bankers out there who manipulated the economy and benefited from the crisis)

This is what we called capitalism.

Friday, November 26, 2010





内森是老罗斯切尔德的老三,也是五兄弟中最具胆识的一个。1798 年被父亲从



测的手段,到1815 年,他已成为伦敦首屈一指的银行寡头。他的大哥阿姆斯洛

在法兰克福打理罗斯切尔德家族银行的大本营(M. A. Rothschild and Sons),

他的二哥所罗门在奥地利的维也纳建立了家族的另一分支银行(S. M.

Rothschild and Sons),他的四弟卡尔在意大利的那不勒斯建立了另一个银行,

他的五弟杰姆斯在法国巴黎的银行叫(Messieus de Rothschild Freres)。罗斯


地注视着1815 年的欧洲战况。















1815 年6 月18 日,在比利时布鲁塞尔近郊展开的滑铁卢战役,不仅是拿破仑和威











海峡风急浪高,在付了2000 法郎的费用之后,终于找到了一个水手连夜帮他渡

过了海峡。当他于6 月19 日清晨到达英国福克斯顿(Folkstone)的岸边时,内






















6 月21 日晚11 点,威灵顿勋爵的信使亨利.波西(HenryPercy)终于到达了伦敦,

消息是拿破仑大军在8 个小时的苦战后被彻底打败了,损失了三分之一的士兵,


这个消息比内森的情报晚了整整一天!而内森在这一天之内,狂赚了20 倍的金










志得意满的内森毫不掩饰他征服了大英帝国的骄傲,lanci 的说:“我不在乎什么样的英格兰




Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Minds Of Billy Milligan (24 個比利) 真人真事




























Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You just need one person to bring down a 233 years-old investment bank

Nick Leeson who made millions for Barings Bank by betting on the future direction of the Nikkei Index. His bosses back in London, who viewed with glee his large profits, trusted him. Leeson seems to have everything, bosses trusted him, he got paid handsomely, huge houses, cars, women. EVERYTHING! but, what goes up must come down.

Barings believed that it wasn't exposed to any losses because Leeson claimed that he was executing purchase orders on behalf of a client. What the company did not realise is that there was a computer account error where Leeson was able to hide his losses. This account had been set up to cover up mistake made by an inexperienced team member, which lead to a loss of £20,000. Leeson used this account to cover his own losses.

Barings was also to be stupid enough to actually believed that Leeson always make profit but no losses in the trade. No one in the history had actually come up with 100% win with no loss at all. And continue pump in money to let him trade. As the losses grew, Leeson asked for more funds and by doubling up the bets to hope that he will be able to rebuild his profit. (Absolutely a stupid idea)

Over 3 months, he kept upping his ante by buying more futures contracts worth about $180,000 and each in a vain attempt to move the market. (Again a stupid move)

About after three quarters, he lost about $1.3billion with those trades. When Barings finally discovered his action, they informed the Bank of England that Barings was totally busted. The action of Nick Leeson had wiped out the 233 year old investment bank. (Cool)

And for your information, the $1.3 billion dollars of liabilities was more than the entire capital and reserves of the bank.

This told us that we need to accept our losses bravely, learn from mistake, and strike again. Don't be a moron who think you will be able to out-guessed the market and double your stake each and every time. We also need to be able to monitor our trade carefully. For huge banks nowadays, they have front offices, and back offices. Those front offices are traders who do the trading, and back offices is for monitoring and reporting to higher level.

Lastly, don't trade emotionally, u will screwed up everything.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The famous financial bubble

The speculative financial bubble involves bidding up the price of an asset far beyond its underlying value.

The famous financial bubbles occurred in seventeenth-century Holland when it was found that certain tulip bulbs, when attacked by a particular virus, produced flowers of brilliantly variegated colors. These bulbs came to be highly valued by collectors. Then speculators began acquiring them, pushing prices higher. Others came in to profit from the bonanza of prices that seemed to rise without limit.

Soon everyone, from nobles to chimney sweeps, was in on the action, bidding up the price of a single bulb of a particularly prized variety to the equivalent of $60,000 in current dollars. The inevitable bursting of the bubble came in 1637.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Forex Tips for traders

It's been so long since I revisited this blog again. Today gonna write a short stuffs on trading tips. (which probably sharing with you all and keep a reminder for myself)

If you are not familiar with the currency pair you trade, don't trade on that pair! You might get information or news about the particular pair, but if you are not familiar with the movement, don't be stupid enough to trade on it.

If your risk management failed, so do your account balance. With the risk return trade-off theory, higher risk comes with higher return, that is true! But if you saw a trend falling or rising rapidly, and you wish to jump in with HIGH volume trading. May God bless you! You may earn huge profit from it! but most of the time, you will often get a call, which is "MARGIN CALL". you idiot.

If you think you can out-guessed the market trend, think twice, if you still think you can predict the future market trend, think again. If you still don't know what I mean, and continue think you are such a great trader with accurate future prediction, I might as well say you are either stupid, or you are an idiot! NO ONE can out-guessed what will happen with the market trend. So remember your STOP LOSS!

For students, if you are having exams or heaps of assignment ahead. Stop the trading. You can't concentrate on your studies if you trade.

If you trade, you learn, you gain experiences. Don't waste time on gaming or doing nothing. Use your time to read books or news to improve yourself.

That is all what I can think about for now, I will post more If I can think of more. I used to make mistake all the time. But we learn and we change. Anyone out there, hope this few tips helped you =)

Also, this is a reminder for myself too ...hahahaha! I LOVE PLAYING GAME! but i am changing.

All the best.