Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Using Yin and Yang to Read the Face

One of the 1st things to do when we read a face is see how well-balanced it is in terms of Yin and Yang. Is there symmetry between the Mountains and the Valleys of the face?

The Mountains are the hard, sharp, and stable parts of the face, and we call them the Yang areas.

The Valleys, or the soft, fluid, rounded, and changing components of the face, are the Yin areas.

Therefore, the hard bone structures such as the forehead, brow bones, cheek-bones, chin, and jaws are Yang. The softer features such as the ears and nose, the tissue areas such as those padding the cheeks and chin and nose tip; and the mouth and the eyes, which are soft and fluid, all are Yin features.

Let me give you an example of a famous person with a predominantly Yin face.

This is Renee Zellweger, who has plump, soft lips and a fullness around her eyes and her upper eyelids. Her cheeks and round chin also appear supple, as though they have a little padding over the bone.

Others characters such as Marilyn Monroe & Oprah Winfrey also have soft Yin face features. You can try google it out and check on their pictures.

Now we take a look at an example of a Yang face feature

This is Lance Armstrong. He has his long, hard nose; wide, thin mouth; high cheekbones; strong, hard chin; and strong brow bones.

Another examples of Yang face will be Arnold Schwarzenegger, but he has a bit more fleshly face than Lance Armstrong.

How about a combination of Yin and Yang faces?? I will show you one below:

This is James Gandolfini, the star of The Sopranos. He has a soft, wide Yin nose; thin lips that are sharp and Yang; Yin padding on his cheeks; a full chin; a high, "hard" Yang forehead with prominent brow bones; and Yang ears with hard cartilage. He is an interesting balance of energies of Yin and Yang, as so many of us are!

Yin and Yang are always changing, just as our faces change many times and ways throughout our lives. Have you seen old photographs of people you know and yet not recognised them? As we mature, some features such as our nose may lengthen and widen while other features such as our mouth and eyes might shrink or sink.

Stress and grief may temporarily cause our entire face to sag and wrinkle or turn ashen. And great happiness gives us a glow and literally perks up and plumps out our features.

Just now long ago, my girlfriend and her sister meet up with their cousins around Melbourne and had dinner together, suddenly one of their cousin quietly pull my gf's sister aside and ask "Why your sister is getting prettier?". Well, if a person who is constantly in great and happy mood, the Yin and Yang of their face will certainly change!

People might have ask if the ideal face is a perfectly balanced symmetrical face. The answer, of course, is only if you are striving for a perfectly balanced life of mind, body and spirit. On the other hand, complete balance is not ideal for everyone.
The more Yang you have, the more of a doer you are, out there in the world leading, pushing the boundaries, getting things done.
The more Yin you have, the more inward, more imaginative and contemplative, with the gift to think things through before acting.


yuetchitan said...

sneakily praising yourself eh~!!

Benjamin said...

ahahahahahahahahaha! how u know?!!! LOL!!